This page provides basic significance of the primary planets in the birth chart.
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Primary meaning: Self-image, personal identity
Chart placement shows: How a person feels most fulfilled, and the areas of life that most contribute to self-knowledge and personal fulfillment
Positive expression: Strong sense of self, without being self-centered
Negative expression: Selfish, insensitive, vain, inflexible, controlling
(Does not go retrograde)
Primary sign of affinity: Leo
Primary meaning: Emotional well-being, fulfillment
Chart placement shows: What kinds of experience are most emotionally satisfying, and the areas of life that most contribute to emotional fulfillment
Positive expression: Emotionally fulfilled, experiences emotions without being overwhelmed
Negative expression: Self-indulgent, timid, indecisive, moody
(Does not go retrograde)
Primary sign of affinity: Cancer
Primary meaning: Mental activities, communication style
Chart placement shows: How learning occurs, subjects of interest, in what area of life communication skills are most important
Positive expression: Able to learn easily and communicate well
Negative expression: Nervous, worried, inconsistent
When retrograde: Likely to be more reserved in communications. In the positive, more able to understand own thinking process, comfortable with introspection; in the negative, fearful of verbally expressing own truth and opinions.
Primary sign of affinity: Gemini
Primary meaning: Relationships with people and things of personal value
Chart placement shows: How relationships are formed, how love is defined, in what area of life most important relationships are formed
Positive expression: Relates well to others, has healthy relationships, appreciates aesthetics
Negative expression: Manipulative, vain, spineless, materialistic
When retrograde: More subjective/spiritual in the evaluation of beauty and relationships. In the positive, more easily turns to relationship with self for fulfillment; in the negative, may be uncomfortable being vulnerable and intimate with others.
Primary sign of affinity: Libra
Primary meaning: Assertiveness, willpower, physical activity
Chart placement shows: How desires are pursued, how initiative is taken, in what area of life courage is developed
Positive expression: Able to act assertively and decisively
Negative expression: Selfish, cruel, angry, insensitive, irritable
When retrograde: Likely to review options carefully before taking action. In the positive, a strong inner courage; in the negative, difficulty in being self-assertive or in pursuing desires.
Primary sign of affinity: Aries
Primary meaning:
Chart placement shows:
Positive expression:
Negative expression:
When retrograde:
Primary sign of affinity: Taurus
Primary meaning: Self-confidence, faith, optimism
Chart placement shows: How and where self-confidence and faith are needed and developed
Positive expression: Feels good about self and life, has balanced approach to new adventures
Negative expression: Overly optimistic, denies reality, overextends, has pretenses
When retrograde: Seeks riches within rather than in the outer world. In the positive, more focused on spiritual growth and internal contentment; in the negative, may have difficulty being generous and carefree.
Primary sign of affinity: Sagittarius
Primary meaning: Self-discipline, self-respect, ability to be alone
Chart placement shows: Where integrity and self-reliance are essential, where fears and laziness must be overcome
Positive expression: Able to set goals, focus energies, rely on self
Negative expression: Depressed, cynical, cold, lack of imagination
When retrograde: A strong inner endurance and self-protective urge. In the positive, able to be strong under pressure; in the negative, may be more self-critical.
Primary sign of affinity: Capricorn
Primary meaning: Wounded or fearful child aspect of self, healing potential
Chart placement shows: How and where deepest fears and wounds manifest, what process must be followed for healing
Positive expression: Self-loving, able to be objective about wounds and fears
Negative expression: Loss of perspective, plays victim, blames others
When retrograde: Aware of spiritual component in personal issues. In the positive, able to turn focus inward for healing work; in the negative, more easily falls into victim role.
Primary sign of affinity: Virgo
Primary meaning: Independence, individuality, originality
Chart placement shows: How rebellious nature is expressed, where questioning of authority is healthy and essential
Positive expression: Lives according to own truth, walks own path, stands up for own beliefs
Negative expression: Contrary, stubborn, selfish, unreliable, insensitive, eccentric
When retrograde: Greater attunement to intuitive information. In the positive, more able to experience higher planes of consciousness; in the negative, more disorganized and less able to focus on using higher energies in practical ways.
Primary sign of affinity: Aquarius
Primary meaning: Connection to something greater than the self, awareness of soul
Chart placement shows: How spiritual insights unfold, where they are most likely to occur, and where disillusionment is experienced
Positive expression: Sees larger perspective, is able to detach from life’s dramas
Negative expression: Confused, lazy, lost in fantasy or escapist activities
When retrograde: Greater focus on spiritual aspects of life. In the positive, increases psychic abilities; in the negative, sensitivities may create difficulties in dealing with physical realities.
Primary sign of affinity: Pisces
Primary meaning: Fulfillment of mission, use of personal power
Chart placement shows: How a sense of personal mission manifests, where the greatest potentials for transformative experiences and personal empowerment are found
Positive expression: Uses personal power without being controlling, follows higher purpose
Negative expression: Rigid, power-hungry, violent, has sense of meaninglessness
When retrograde: Able to explore personal motivations and workings of the unconscious. In the positive, psychological stamina increased; in the negative, may have isolationist tendencies.
Primary sign of affinity: Scorpio
Primary meaning:
Chart placement shows:
Positive expression:
Negative expression:
When retrograde:
Primary sign of affinity: Aries
Primary meaning: Self-image, personal identity
Chart placement shows: How a person feels most fulfilled, and the areas of life that most contribute to self-knowledge and personal fulfillment
Positive expression: Strong sense of self, without being self-centered
Negative expression: Selfish, insensitive, vain, inflexible, controlling
(Does not go retrograde)
Primary sign of affinity: Leo
Primary meaning: Emotional well-being, fulfillment
Chart placement shows: What kinds of experience are most emotionally satisfying, and the areas of life that most contribute to emotional fulfillment
Positive expression: Emotionally fulfilled, experiences emotions without being overwhelmed
Negative expression: Self-indulgent, timid, indecisive, moody
(Does not go retrograde)
Primary sign of affinity: Cancer
Primary meaning: Mental activities, communication style
Chart placement shows: How learning occurs, subjects of interest, in what area of life communication skills are most important
Positive expression: Able to learn easily and communicate well
Negative expression: Nervous, worried, inconsistent
When retrograde: Likely to be more reserved in communications. In the positive, more able to understand own thinking process, comfortable with introspection; in the negative, fearful of verbally expressing own truth and opinions.
Primary sign of affinity: Gemini
Primary meaning: Relationships with people and things of personal value
Chart placement shows: How relationships are formed, how love is defined, in what area of life most important relationships are formed
Positive expression: Relates well to others, has healthy relationships, appreciates aesthetics
Negative expression: Manipulative, vain, spineless, materialistic
When retrograde: More subjective/spiritual in the evaluation of beauty and relationships. In the positive, more easily turns to relationship with self for fulfillment; in the negative, may be uncomfortable being vulnerable and intimate with others.
Primary sign of affinity: Libra
Primary meaning: Assertiveness, willpower, physical activity
Chart placement shows: How desires are pursued, how initiative is taken, in what area of life courage is developed
Positive expression: Able to act assertively and decisively
Negative expression: Selfish, cruel, angry, insensitive, irritable
When retrograde: Likely to review options carefully before taking action. In the positive, a strong inner courage; in the negative, difficulty in being self-assertive or in pursuing desires.
Primary sign of affinity: Aries
Primary meaning:
Chart placement shows:
Positive expression:
Negative expression:
When retrograde:
Primary sign of affinity: Taurus
Primary meaning: Self-confidence, faith, optimism
Chart placement shows: How and where self-confidence and faith are needed and developed
Positive expression: Feels good about self and life, has balanced approach to new adventures
Negative expression: Overly optimistic, denies reality, overextends, has pretenses
When retrograde: Seeks riches within rather than in the outer world. In the positive, more focused on spiritual growth and internal contentment; in the negative, may have difficulty being generous and carefree.
Primary sign of affinity: Sagittarius
Primary meaning: Self-discipline, self-respect, ability to be alone
Chart placement shows: Where integrity and self-reliance are essential, where fears and laziness must be overcome
Positive expression: Able to set goals, focus energies, rely on self
Negative expression: Depressed, cynical, cold, lack of imagination
When retrograde: A strong inner endurance and self-protective urge. In the positive, able to be strong under pressure; in the negative, may be more self-critical.
Primary sign of affinity: Capricorn
Primary meaning: Wounded or fearful child aspect of self, healing potential
Chart placement shows: How and where deepest fears and wounds manifest, what process must be followed for healing
Positive expression: Self-loving, able to be objective about wounds and fears
Negative expression: Loss of perspective, plays victim, blames others
When retrograde: Aware of spiritual component in personal issues. In the positive, able to turn focus inward for healing work; in the negative, more easily falls into victim role.
Primary sign of affinity: Virgo
Primary meaning: Independence, individuality, originality
Chart placement shows: How rebellious nature is expressed, where questioning of authority is healthy and essential
Positive expression: Lives according to own truth, walks own path, stands up for own beliefs
Negative expression: Contrary, stubborn, selfish, unreliable, insensitive, eccentric
When retrograde: Greater attunement to intuitive information. In the positive, more able to experience higher planes of consciousness; in the negative, more disorganized and less able to focus on using higher energies in practical ways.
Primary sign of affinity: Aquarius
Primary meaning: Connection to something greater than the self, awareness of soul
Chart placement shows: How spiritual insights unfold, where they are most likely to occur, and where disillusionment is experienced
Positive expression: Sees larger perspective, is able to detach from life’s dramas
Negative expression: Confused, lazy, lost in fantasy or escapist activities
When retrograde: Greater focus on spiritual aspects of life. In the positive, increases psychic abilities; in the negative, sensitivities may create difficulties in dealing with physical realities.
Primary sign of affinity: Pisces
Primary meaning: Fulfillment of mission, use of personal power
Chart placement shows: How a sense of personal mission manifests, where the greatest potentials for transformative experiences and personal empowerment are found
Positive expression: Uses personal power without being controlling, follows higher purpose
Negative expression: Rigid, power-hungry, violent, has sense of meaninglessness
When retrograde: Able to explore personal motivations and workings of the unconscious. In the positive, psychological stamina increased; in the negative, may have isolationist tendencies.
Primary sign of affinity: Scorpio
Primary meaning:
Chart placement shows:
Positive expression:
Negative expression:
When retrograde:
Primary sign of affinity: Aries