Welcome to NorthPoint Astrology! On this site you will find my weekly astrology forecast the NorthPoint Journal, pages on the basic components of astrology, information about the personal chart interpretations I offer, and more.
Tools such as astrology can help facilitate our life journey in profound ways. My love of the craft was born when I began my studies in my early 20s. I began doing personal chart interpretations in the mid-1980s and founded NorthPoint Astrology in 2001.
My approach to astrology is based on my understanding that there is order and positive intention in the universe and that our lives have meaning beyond the physical. I hope that you agree!
Pam and her animal companions-- in physical and in spirit -- live in their log home northeast of Seattle, Washington.
Astrology Basics
Astrology is a symbolic system. It uses science and precise mathematics to calculate planetary positions and to define the relationships between the planets. But astrology is also an intuitive art, relying on the insights of a practitioner to uncover the mysteries of a birth chart and to explore potential futures.
Learning about your astrology chart can provide valuable insights into any area of your life. It can also help guide you when you are at a crossroads and need to make important decisions.
For more basic astrology information, please visit the Signs, Planets, and Houses pages of this site.
NorthPoint Journal
Pam's weekly NorthPoint Journal is posted on this site every Sunday. You may also use the form below to receive the journal by email.