
In Western astrology, a chart is drawn in the shape of a circle, with 12 wedge-shaped divisions called "houses." Each house represents a different area of life experience, with the progression of houses following a sequence of development.
Several planets in one house of a chart indicates more opportunities and challenges in that area during the lifetime. It is common to have "empty" houses in a chart, that do not contain any planets. This does not mean that these areas of life will not be important, but merely that the primary areas of growth are found elsewhere.
The theme of each house corresponds with a different stage of nature's life cycle. These are included in the brief descriptions below, along with the "natural rulers" of each house -- the sign and planet that most resonate with the issues represented by the house.
Several planets in one house of a chart indicates more opportunities and challenges in that area during the lifetime. It is common to have "empty" houses in a chart, that do not contain any planets. This does not mean that these areas of life will not be important, but merely that the primary areas of growth are found elsewhere.
The theme of each house corresponds with a different stage of nature's life cycle. These are included in the brief descriptions below, along with the "natural rulers" of each house -- the sign and planet that most resonate with the issues represented by the house.
1st House
A seed is planted. An identity is born.
Personal style, ego development, physical appearance and body type, vitality, personality traits most apparent to others.
(Natural rulers: Aries/Mars)
2nd House
Roots grow. Core values are defined..
Personal resources, finances, material possessions, self-worth, earning and spending habits, personal values and opinions.
(Natural rulers: Taurus, Venus)
3rd House
Leaves grow. Expansion begins into the environment.
Early childhood education, learning and reasoning, everyday routines and communications, siblings and neighbors, short-distance travel.
(Natural rulers: Gemini/Mercury)
4th House
Flowers form. Emotional foundation is established.
Home environment, emotional patterns and programming, parental influences from childhood, parent of opposite sex of the native or the one who played a less central role in their sense of purpose.
(Natural rulers: Cancer/Moon)
5th House
Fruit develops. Personal expression gains form.
Self-expression, creativity, play and playfulness, children, risk-taking, amusements, pleasure, romance.
(Natural rulers: Leo/Sun)
6th House
Harvesting begins. Taking on responsibilities.
Chores and responsibilities, employment environment, physical health and nutritional needs, skills-building, service to others.
(Natural rulers: Virgo/Chiron)
7th House
Stasis achieved. Balancing self and other.
Partnerships, one-on-one commitments, significant others, cooperation, interdependence, projections onto others of aspects of self not yet claimed.
(Natural rulers: Libra/Venus)
8th House
Leaves fall and decay. Adapting to that which cannot be controlled.
Shared resources, others' opinions, powerful emotions, sexuality and intimacy, experiences of death and rebirth, mysteries.
(Natural rulers: Scorpio/Pluto)
9th House
Seeds carried on the wind. Expansion of awareness and sense of meaning.
Philosophy, religion, higher education, wisdom and intuition, long-distance travel and adventures that expand one's world view.
(Natural rulers: Sagittarius/Jupiter)
10th House
Seeds fall to earth. Participation in a greater purpose.
Career or vocation, visible role in society, personal mission, role models, authority figures, parent of same sex as the native or the one who was the primary role model.
(Natural rulers: Capricorn/Saturn)
11th House
Many seeds from many sources find fertile ground. Realization of personal and group needs.
Personal dreams and wishes, social relationships and acquaintances, support groups, projects and activities with like-minded people.
(Natural rulers: Aquarius/Uranus)
12th House
Nature at rest. Development of inner spiritual and creative resources.
Spirituality, mental health, aspects of self usually kept hidden, solitude and quiet time, dream world, the void, subconscious.
(Natural rulers: Pisces/Neptune)
A seed is planted. An identity is born.
Personal style, ego development, physical appearance and body type, vitality, personality traits most apparent to others.
(Natural rulers: Aries/Mars)
2nd House
Roots grow. Core values are defined..
Personal resources, finances, material possessions, self-worth, earning and spending habits, personal values and opinions.
(Natural rulers: Taurus, Venus)
3rd House
Leaves grow. Expansion begins into the environment.
Early childhood education, learning and reasoning, everyday routines and communications, siblings and neighbors, short-distance travel.
(Natural rulers: Gemini/Mercury)
4th House
Flowers form. Emotional foundation is established.
Home environment, emotional patterns and programming, parental influences from childhood, parent of opposite sex of the native or the one who played a less central role in their sense of purpose.
(Natural rulers: Cancer/Moon)
5th House
Fruit develops. Personal expression gains form.
Self-expression, creativity, play and playfulness, children, risk-taking, amusements, pleasure, romance.
(Natural rulers: Leo/Sun)
6th House
Harvesting begins. Taking on responsibilities.
Chores and responsibilities, employment environment, physical health and nutritional needs, skills-building, service to others.
(Natural rulers: Virgo/Chiron)
7th House
Stasis achieved. Balancing self and other.
Partnerships, one-on-one commitments, significant others, cooperation, interdependence, projections onto others of aspects of self not yet claimed.
(Natural rulers: Libra/Venus)
8th House
Leaves fall and decay. Adapting to that which cannot be controlled.
Shared resources, others' opinions, powerful emotions, sexuality and intimacy, experiences of death and rebirth, mysteries.
(Natural rulers: Scorpio/Pluto)
9th House
Seeds carried on the wind. Expansion of awareness and sense of meaning.
Philosophy, religion, higher education, wisdom and intuition, long-distance travel and adventures that expand one's world view.
(Natural rulers: Sagittarius/Jupiter)
10th House
Seeds fall to earth. Participation in a greater purpose.
Career or vocation, visible role in society, personal mission, role models, authority figures, parent of same sex as the native or the one who was the primary role model.
(Natural rulers: Capricorn/Saturn)
11th House
Many seeds from many sources find fertile ground. Realization of personal and group needs.
Personal dreams and wishes, social relationships and acquaintances, support groups, projects and activities with like-minded people.
(Natural rulers: Aquarius/Uranus)
12th House
Nature at rest. Development of inner spiritual and creative resources.
Spirituality, mental health, aspects of self usually kept hidden, solitude and quiet time, dream world, the void, subconscious.
(Natural rulers: Pisces/Neptune)