NorthPoint Astrology Journal
Your guide to planetary energies for
February 10 to 16, 2025
By Astrologer Pam Younghans
LEO FULL MOON: The current lunar cycle reaches its climax this week. The Full Moon occurs at 5:53 a.m. PST on Wednesday, February 12, when the Moon is at 24°06' Leo, opposite the Sun at the same degree of Aquarius.
Leo is the sign of the Lion, the Royal One of the jungle. It seeks to express itself, to experience a sense of belonging, and it enjoys being in the spotlight. The archetypes associated with Leo include the Performer, the Child, and the Leader. Leo is by nature confident, creative, passionate, and courageous. These positive Leo qualities are all highlighted with this Full Moon, but with the Sun in Aquarius, we must balance Leo's self-oriented perspective with the more team-oriented, socially-conscious outlook of Aquarius. As we are drawn to shine brightly, we must remember and appreciate all the other stars around us, knowing that our combined lights can illuminate far more than one of us may accomplish alone. With Wounded Healer Chiron in harmonious trine aspect to the Full Moon, this lunation provides significant opportunities for greater self-awareness. A deeper understanding and acceptance of our own fears and insecurities, along with intentional self-care, can help heal the wounds of the past and enable us to grow in self-confidence. However, the Full Moon is also forming a stressful T-square configuration with other planets, so we will be facing some important challenges this week. Along the way, we will likely see demonstrations of the shadow side of Leo the Lion: self-absorption, a demand for attention, pride and arrogance, overly dramatic behaviors, temper tantrums, and attempts to dominate others. FULL MOON T-SQUARE: To visualize the T-square configuration that occurs at this week's Full Moon, imagine a giant letter "T" in the sky. At one end of the bar across the top of the letter is the Moon in Leo. At the other end of the crossbar are the Sun, Ceres, and Mercury in Aquarius. And, at the bottom of the stem, is Uranus in Taurus. T-squares represent times of pent-up energy, tension, and frustration. All the planets involved are at cross-purposes with each other, so there is a buildup of pressure. Since this is a fixed T-square, with the planets in tenacious fixed signs, we will be working with a battle of wills, attachment to the status quo, possessiveness, and a stubborn inflexibility. URANUS AT THE APEX: The planet Uranus is at the all-important apex point in the T-square, which places it in the position of power in the configuration. With sideways-spinning Uranus holding the reins, change can occur despite the resistance. Uranus is the "wild card" planet, often manifesting through unexpected, sudden, eruptive, earthquake-like events. Under its influence, we are likely to see irrational or rebellious behaviors. Cracks in the foundation are revealed. As one of the transpersonal planets, Uranus represents Higher Consciousness, and thus can bring significant insights and breakthroughs. When the planet's influence is strong, intuition is heightened and awakenings can occur, both individually and collectively. However, a period of breakdown may take place before those positive results are apparent. NAVIGATION TOOLS: Nervous energy is usually increased when we're working with Uranus, so be sure to keep your self-care toolbox handy this week. Helpful tools may include physical activity, grounding and connecting to nature, conscious breathing, meditation and mindfulness practices, limiting your intake of caffeine and other stimulants, and supplementation with calcium/magnesium and adaptogenic herbs. To successfully navigate this emotionally intense Full Moon, it will be important to cultivate detachment and flexibility. We must be open to change, become more aware of our own motivations, be willing to reassess our values, and move to the higher perspective on all matters. DAILY ASTROLOGY: For my daily astrological insights, including lunar aspects not covered in this Journal, please follow me on Instagram: ASPECTS THIS WEEK: Here are my brief interpretations of this week's most important planetary aspects, day by day: Monday Mercury square Uranus: The mind may be frazzled today due to the heightened electrical energy of Uranus and there could be technological or communication glitches. However, this aspect can increase intuition and bring sudden insights. The challenge is to be open to new ideas, which we might resist because they involve changing a perspective that we've become attached to. Tuesday Mercury sextile Eris: It is easier to assert ourselves and to speak our truth with this aspect. Sun square Uranus: This aspect brings the energies of tomorrow's Full Moon into manifestation a day early. Nervous energy is very high, behaviors may be erratic, and plans can be disrupted. The challenge is not to overreact nor act impulsively, since situations will continue to change. Mercury conjunct Ceres: Intuition and empathy are strong now, and our mental rapport with people and animals is enhanced. Wednesday Full Moon: The Full Moon is at its peak at 5:53 a.m. PST today, when the Moon is at 24°06' Leo and the Sun is at the same degree of Aquarius. Sun sextile Eris: We are inspired to be independent and true to ourselves, and are not afraid of provoking controversy. Thursday No major aspects are exact today. Friday Mercury enters Pisces: Mercury will be in the sign of the Fishes from February 14 to March 3, and again from March 29 to April 16, due to Mercury going retrograde. During the Mercury-in-Pisces weeks, intuition and the imagination are heightened. The mind is more emotional and less objective, and we may have trouble attending to the details. Our mental bodies tend to be more permeable, so we may pick up on others' thoughts and the collective mindset more readily. Sun conjunct Ceres: The desire to nurture others is strong, but with this alignment in nonconformist Aquarius, we care for loved ones by encouraging them to be true to themselves. Saturday Mercury sesquiquadrate Mars: There is a tendency to speak too bluntly or act too impulsively with this aspect. Sunday Mercury semisquare Chiron: We could feel a bit insecure about our ability to make decisions today and might not fully trust our ideas. IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: This year, you are in the process of reinventing yourself once again, of getting in touch with what you truly need and want and making course corrections accordingly. Your intellect and your communication skills are centerstage and you may be drawn to learn or teach something new, especially subjects of a progressive or metaphysical nature. Woven into this experience is the desire to care for and nurture others, through helping them claim their unique life path. However, your caring for others must come from a place of truth and authenticity within you, or you are likely to feel a strong restlessness and a need to rebel. (Solar Return Sun conjunct Mercury, square Uranus, conjunct Ceres, sextile Eris) In peace, love, and gratitude, Pam Younghans For an audio recording and non-English versions of this Journal on, please click HERE. (New week's audio and text are online no later than 9 p.m. Pacific Time on Sunday.) Photo by Pixabay NorthPoint Journal © 2025 Pam Younghans. All Rights Reserved. DISCLAIMER: This NorthPoint Journal is not intended to replace the need for qualified healthcare, mental health, legal, or spiritual consultations. No guarantees, implied warranties, or assurances of any kind are given, and as such, Pam Younghans will not be responsible for any interpretation made or used by the recipient of the information and advice provided herein. |
![]() Aspects of Note this Week Times and dates use Pacific Standard Time (PST). Add 8 hours for Universal Time (UT/GMT). MONDAY: Mercury square Uranus TUESDAY: Mercury sextile Eris, Sun square Uranus, Mercury conjunct Ceres WEDNESDAY: Full Moon 5:53 a.m. PST (24°06' Leo), Sun sextile Eris THURSDAY: No major aspects are exact today FRIDAY: Mercury enters Pisces, Sun conjunct Ceres SATURDAY: Mercury sesquiquadrate Mars SUNDAY: Mercury semisquare Chiron Subscribe to the Journal! |